
the main advertising revenue was killed.Before and after the financial crisis in the crisis

The United States newspaper website charging stock firm "closed" and "meters"
the United States Wall Street occurrence change.Media "failure" and was the newspaper stock rising.The United States of America's brand new york times hold, Ni have have, center of test, Ni have (NYT) 25 day closing price of 60 cents to $9, from the beginning of the year increased by 24%, one year high spot circle.The standard & Poor's 500 index more than 10 points out of bounds, form.The largest daily newspapers, USA TODAY operation of the 33% rose.The United States of America News agency advertising revenue loss, coupled with the network, the main advertising revenue was killed.Before and after the financial crisis in the crisis, cocoa NYT shareholder assets improvement dismissed the case also has, in recent years, institutional investors hold the stock disposed of.Nevertheless, recently bought.Material to be treated, Internet advertising brought in business model, conversion into which the news website reading charges new sources of income, requirements.The United States consulting company in Iraq test test says, in the United States about 1500 daily newspapers in 16%, the equivalent of 239 already network charge system introduced.The United States of America website charging system with the call charge member, and does not read the news "closed" a certain number of monthly reports to read "table charge charge" two.The foot is popular "meters", "closed", website visitors traffic does not reduce, reading report a lot of heavy users as the object and easy charging.< page 12 page >
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