
"I completely share the unpleasant sentiment that this difficult and onerous decision has caused

Cyprus president trying to amend bailout plan

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) -- Cyprus' president says he is trying to amend a detested bailout plan that would tax bank deposits across the country to reduce its effect on small savers.

But in a nationally televised speech, President Nicos Anastasiades also urged lawmakers to approve the bailout plan Monday, saying it is essential to save the country from bankruptcy.

"I completely share the unpleasant sentiment that this difficult and onerous decision has caused," he said Sunday night. "That's why I continue to give battle so that the decisions of the eurozone are amended in the next hours to limit the effect on small depositors."

In exchange for €10 billion ($13 billion) in rescue money, creditors would impose a one-time tax of 6.75 percent on all bank deposits under €100,000 ($131,000) and 9.9 percent over that amount.

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In such cases

Letter from boot camp in 1953 returned to sender

NILES, Mich. (AP) — It was 1953 and then-Pvt. Bob Rodgers had just arrived at Fort Campbell, Ky., for basic training when he sat down to write a letter to his wife after the post's power went out.

Sixty years later, that letter finally turned up, when the U.S. Postal Service gave it back to Rodgers, who's now living in southwestern Michigan.

In the June 13, 1953, letter, the 20-year-old told his wife, Jean, about the routines of life in boot camp. "All you do is march, KP, shine boots, shine boots and shine more boots and brass and more brass," he wrote.

On March 7, New Carslisle, Ind., Postmaster Connie Tomaszewski hand-delivered the letter to Rodgers, now 79. She did so the same day it arrived at her office, she told the South Bend Tribune (http://bit.ly/WQ0Zo5 ).

Rodgers was bemused by the return of the letter.

"I asked if they had found the remains of the horse and rider and got the letter out of the saddle bag," he said, smiling. "She just shook her head."

Tomaszewski said it's hard to even guess what might have happened to the letter over six decades.

"There are a million possibilities. ... It could have sat at Fort Campbell," she said. "The important part of it is it did get delivered."

Mary Dando, spokeswoman for the Greater Indiana District of the U.S. Postal Service, said the letter may have actually been delivered, then ended up at a flea market or antique store where a collector latched onto it.

In such cases, people sometimes put them back in the mail for reasons unknown, Dando said.

Rodgers said even if his wife didn't get the letter, it wasn't a big deal.

"She didn't miss it, and I didn't miss it, because I wrote her about every day," he said.

Jean Rodgers died of cancer eight years ago.

The letter bears a Fort Campbell postmark and the date June 15, 1953. It also features two 3-cent stamps.

Asked what her reaction would have been to the letter's final arrival had she still been alive to receive it, he said, "She'd have got a kick out of that."


Information from: South Bend Tribune, http://www.southbendtribune.com

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"We're not like New Mexico

$1M pilot project aims to take out feral pigs
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    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Using the cover of darkness, feral pigs have learned to outsmart even the most seasoned hunters as they set about on their nightly terrors, rooting up crops and suburban gardens, harassing native wildlife and turning watering holes into pigsties.

    The invasive porkers have made themselves at home across more than three quarters of the U.S. and are responsible for an estimated $1.5 billion in damages each year. Most worrisome is their ability to learn from each encounter with a frustrated human.

    Ask anyone who has had a run-in with feral pigs. The conversation always circles back to intelligence.

    "They're much brighter than I am," said Ray Powell, a veterinarian and New Mexico's land commissioner. "If they had the dexterity, they'd be driving vehicles around. I mean these guys are really smart."

    Feral pigs have already taken over Texas and are expanding their numbers in other states, but federal and state land managers think they have a chance to tip the balance in New Mexico. They're willing to bet $1 million in federal funds on a yearlong pilot project aimed at eradicating the pigs and using what they learn here to keep them from gaining a foothold elsewhere.

    It marks the first time the U.S. Department of Agriculture has teamed up with a state to develop a comprehensive plan for getting rid of the pigs.

    A small army of state and federal employees has been trained to stalk, trap and kill New Mexico's feral pigs. Various techniques have been used by wildlife managers and landowners for decades in the fight against feral swine, but the New Mexico team is focusing on determining what combination works best in which circumstances and how effectively helicopters can be to track the pigs across vast landscapes.

    "We're trying to get ahead of the curve with this so we can prevent a lot of the damage that we know will be coming if we don't do anything about it," said USDA Wildlife Services state director Alan May. "Sport hunting pressure alone won't be enough to stop a population from spreading."

    Timing is a big part of the project, said UDSA undersecretary Edward Avalos. Hitting the pigs quickly will prevent them from becoming more educated, he said.

    Pigs have been known to scope out traps for days before sending in the group's lowest ranking members to test for danger. And if a trap isn't built just right, the pigs will find a way out, either by climbing over each other or squeezing under the fencing.

    The plan calls for building special traps in strategic locations along with stalking the pigs at night.

    The team will also be looking to the "Judas pig" for help. After trapping a family of pigs, all but one — usually an adult female — are shot and killed. The Judas pig is then fitted with a radio collar or microchip so it can be tracked as it looks for another group of pigs to hang out with.

    This is important since feral pigs are quite elusive. Rarely seen during the day, they have learned to avoid being taken down by rifles or suckered into traps.

    Their intelligence, in combination with their ability to mate year-round, is what has enabled wild pigs to evade capture and take over prairies, mountain valleys and rugged deserts from Canada to Mexico.

    The wild pig population in the U.S. has ballooned to more than 5 million. In one year alone, federal managers trapped and killed more than 32,000 pigs from 28 states and collected thousands of samples to check for the nearly three dozen diseases feral pigs are capable of carrying and passing on to humans, livestock and other wildlife.

    Introduced by Spanish explorers centuries ago, pigs began to expand their range. Hunters complicated matters by importing Eurasian boars to the U.S. for sport. Generations in the wild, the pigs have evolved into "survivors," willing to eat just about anything and capable of traversing some of the most rugged territory.

    Ranchers and farmers have complained for years about the damage feral pigs can cause, but federal and state officials said the loss of crops, the spread of noxious weeds as the pigs carry seeds to new spots and the stress they put on endangered species and other wildlife is now worse due to a persistent drought that has hammered two-thirds of the country.

    New Mexico is embarking on its third straight year of drought, water supplies have dipped to record lows, farmers and ranchers are struggling, and there are now signs of feral swine in 22 of the state's 33 counties.

    "Here, it's a new problem," said Bidegain, who has seen pig numbers in his area grow from zero to nearly 300 over the last two years. "You research, read stuff on the Internet and watch videos of how other guys are trying to do it. It's almost like you have to stalk them for two months before you figure out how they operate."

    Bidegain has to watch for big potholes left behind by the pigs to keep from damaging his tractor. Nearby, Quay County rancher Bill Humphries said the pigs were responsible for leaving "bomb craters everywhere" along a quarter-mile stretch of road on his family ranch. On other ranches, pigs have learned to break the floats in stock tanks to keep water flowing for their mud baths.

    In Mississippi, peanut farmers often wake to find uprooted plants. In Texas, where there are an estimated 2.6 million pigs, the animals have moved from destroying pastures and crops to tearing up suburban gardens.

    Texans spend about $7 million a year on trying to control pigs and repair some of the damage, said Billy Higginbotham, a professor and wildlife specialist at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center.

    "We're not like New Mexico, Nebraska or Kansas, for example, where we're just beginning to get a few and can probably think in terms of eradication," he said. "What we're simply trying to do here is not even use the "e'' word — eradication — but to think in terms of managing the damage."

    Wildlife managers had complained for years about a lack of manpower and money to fight the growing pig problem. Now, they say the pilot program will enable them to systematically take out populations that are centered along the Canadian and Pecos rivers in eastern New Mexico, in the Bootheel and along the Middle Rio Grande, home to thousands of acres of irrigated farmland.

    Feral pigs are also moving into southeastern New Mexico, where the federal government has been trying to boost the number of sand dune lizards and lesser prairie chickens. Both are on the menu for pigs.

    Pig experts say patience is key, and federal wildlife specialist Ron Jones knows this well. He has been stalking pigs in eastern New Mexico since the first group was spotted in Quay County in 2006. He has spent the last few weeks trying to outsmart an older black and white spotted male that's missing half an ear.

    "I've watched him on the trail cameras," Jones said. "He's got some age on him and he's very educated. He has probably had everything in the book thrown at him."

    USDA officials couldn't say how long it might take to push the pigs out of New Mexico, but Avalos said he is confident it's possible.

    If not, Powell warned New Mexico's agriculture and natural resources will be in trouble.

    "It could have enormous costs," he said.


    Follow Susan Montoya Bryan: http://www.twitter.com/susanmbryanNM

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    Daisuke Ito

    11 days, make a practice game with 1-3 Senshudai Chiba practice game] The JEF United Chiba defeated in Senshudai goal Tanaka also has lost. I could not keep up with the Chiba folded in the first half 0-2 MF Chang Yu Tanaka scored a goal in the second half but,iEDGE 福井県敦賀市. Chiba wins, 1 loss and 1 fight Tochigi (away) Section 3, the opening two games <br> <br> J2. following <br> <br>, members participate in Chiba <br> <,3DSマジコン;br> GK [first half]: <br> FP 択生 Okubo: Ryota Aoki, Daisuke Ito, Masaki Fukai, Kei Yamaguchi, Shohei Otsuka, Kazutaka Oiwa, Toshima chapter, Sachi Sato, Haruka 也 Ide, <br> <br> 也真 people Machida <br> GK [second half]: <br> FP 択生 Okubo: Ryota Aoki, M. Yu Tanaka, Kei Yamaguchi, Shohei Otsuka, one Oiwa such as from 2 to Kinki defeated Alex of San Takahiro, Toshima chapter, Seung Woo Nam, Yoshihiro Sato, Haruka 也 Ide, Machida 也真 people [Articles] Tokushima [practice match] win Tottori [practice match] is [ Higa also goal from losing reversal [ACL] announced the starting lineup vs Sendai to Morioka Guruja Jiangsu Shun Tian vs Kitakyushu Kumamoto] practice match 1-1 draw Yamagata] practice match [(only Sendai)


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     同校では、いじめ問題に適切に対応しなかったなどとして滋賀県教委の懲戒処分を受けた校長が依願退職。卒業証書には今月4日就任の新校長名が入る。【関連記事】 大津中2自殺 いじめ放置の実態…担任教諭「とうとうやりましたか」 大津いじめ 遺族の執念…自殺生徒の父「必死の捜査に感謝」 大津いじめ問題 加害生徒の母親が荒げた声に校長たじろいだ 小5男児はなぜ死を選んだのか 消える小学校、離れる同級生… 「呪う」「呪う」…高1「遺書」に綴られた「無念と絶望」の全容

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     前日はダブルボギーもあり、波の激しいラウンドだったが、この日は「アイアンが今イチだったけど、無難にパーを拾えた。いいところもあれば、悪いところもあった」と自分のゴルフを冷静に分析。最終日最終組に向け「バーディーがとれるところで必ず取っていきたい,中央競馬は月曜日から連日、週末に向けた現場からの情報を提供するほか、動画も毎日違う番組を更新。自分が伸ばさないとダメです」と話した,罪状の詳細は明らかにされていない。【関連記事】 森田イーグル奪取2打差4位/女子ゴルフ アヤコ門下生 予選落ちなら草むしり 美脚の木戸みせたノーボギー/女子ゴルフ さくら3位浮上「悪くない」/女子ゴルフ 森田理香子 、 バーディー を調べる


    チャベス氏に新たな感染症、呼吸障害が悪化=ベネズエラ情報相[カラカス 4日 ロイター] ベネズエラ政府は4日、がんで闘病中のチャベス大統領(58)が新たな「重度の」呼吸器系の感染症にかかり、呼吸障害がさらに悪化したと明らかにした。


    チャベス氏は2011年にがんと診断されて以来、度々キューバを訪れて治療を受けていた。4回目となった手術後、先月18日に突然帰国, 日産は現在、三菱自やスズキからOEM。現在は首都カラカスの軍病院で治療を続けている。

    情報相は、チャベス氏が現在、他の治療とともに強度の化学療法を受けており、「細心の注意を要する状態が続いている」と話した, また、暗黒星雲は星の誕生場所としても知られており、「ループス3」とこの星団も密接に関係している。【関連記事】 ベネズエラ世論調査、6割が「大統領は政権復帰へ」 帰国のチャベス大統領、ツイッターフォロワー400万人に ベネズエラ大統領の術後初となる写真公開、会話困難で筆談で指示 ベネズエラ大統領、「複雑な」代替療法受けている=副大統領 ベネズエラ、財政再建に向け32%の通貨切り下げ実施


    中日・大島、3打席とも出塁 打撃フォーム戻し復調(9日オープン戦、西武7―1中日) 中日の大島は3打席で2安打1四球とすべて出塁, ドリコム代表取締役社長・内藤裕紀氏は、SNSが「人々に衝動的な行動を起こす環境を作っている」と分析。第1打席は菊池の直球を中前へ打ち返すと、次打席では外角スライダーを左前に流し打った。投手との間合いに苦しんでいたという。打つ時の始動でワンステップをいれてきたが、元の打撃フォームに戻し「間合いが取れるようになった,が3位に入った。状態は上がってきている」と手応えを口にした。








     Fグループでは、初優勝を目指す名古屋オーシャンズが、FPリカルジーニョの4得点を挙げる活躍などで、フクエイ・ジャパン(九州2)を寄せ付けず、11-2で勝利。また、ディヴェルティード旭川(北海道)は、ルチャ・ブリージョ・カガワ・フットサルクラブ(四国)に4-0で完封勝利を収め、単独2位に浮上している。【関連記事】 [第18回全日本フットサル選手権]1日目、最強の刺客フウガがC組首位、D組は大混戦 [全日本フットサル選手権]決勝観戦チケットを5組10名様にプレゼント フットサル日本代表のミゲル・ロドリゴ監督が契約を更新 Fリーグ 名古屋がFP木暮の引退試合を開催 Fリーグ・名古屋の北原がサポーターを結婚式に招待


    国薬控股、国有企業の新たな経営モデルを模索中国の国有企業、中国医薬集団傘下の中国医薬品卸売大手の国薬控股(シノファーム・グループ)の魏玉林総裁は先般、中国証券報記者の独占インタビューに応じ、「設立から10年、国薬控股は次々とM&A(企業の合併・買収)を行ってきたことで、急速な事業拡大を実現し、中国国内の医薬品流通業種において、初めて売上高が1000億元を突破した企業となった,保守管理会社の社長ら3人も同罪で在宅起訴され、公判前整理手続き中。今後は、モデルチェンジを促進し、地域市場における資源の整理・統合を進め、市場における競争力の強化に力を入れる方針だ」と述べた。12日付中国証券報が伝えた。  また、魏総裁は「流通ビジネスに最も重要なのはネットワークの構築であるため、過去数年間は主にM&Aの強化を通じたネットワークの整備を行ってきた。しかし、次の段階では、我々は主に企業のコア競争力の構築に重点を置く。今、企業の規模では当社がトップだが、一部地域の市場において、まだ望ましくない部分もある」との見方を示した,「『あいつをやっちまえ。(編集担当:陳建民)


    首相「避難住民の帰還見通し、今夏メド提示」 安倍晋三首相は11日夕の記者会見で、東京電力福島第1原発の事故で避難した地元住民の帰還に関連して「道路や水道、医療の復旧、いつごろに住めるようになるのかの具体的な道筋を今夏ごろをメドに明らかにしていく」と語った。


    R4i GOLD The facility started distributing frogs again in June 2011

    Pet frogs linked to salmonella outbreak in kids: CDC

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Small water frogs marketed and sold as pets are linked to an outbreak of Salmonella infections from 2008 to 2011, according to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    The report published in Pediatrics on Monday found the infection sickened 376 people in 44 U.S. states and sent 29 percent of those infected to the hospital - mostly children.

    "This was the first Salmonella outbreak associated with aquatic frogs, and in this case the frogs are often marketed as good pets for kids," said Shauna Mettee Zarecki, the study's lead author from the CDC in Atlanta.

    "The majority of people didn't realize there were any risks from these amphibians or other amphibians, like turtles and snakes," she added.

    While most people hear about Salmonella-contaminated food, Zarecki said reptiles and amphibians also carry the bacteria. Humans can become infected after handling the animals, cleaning their containers or coming in contact with contaminated water.

    People infected with Salmonella can have prolonged diarrhea, cramps,R4i GOLD, vomiting and a persistent fever. The infection can be deadly if it's left untreated, and it's most dangerous in the young, elderly and people with weak immune systems.

    Previous research has found that reptiles and amphibians are responsible for about 74,000 Salmonella infections in the U,プラダ し か し.S. every year.

    In the new report, Zarecki and her colleagues write that researchers from the CDC - along with state and local health departments - investigated an outbreak of Salmonella infections,m3i zero, mostly among children,FENDI マフラー, in 2008.

    By early 2009, the number of cases returned to normal before the researchers could find a cause. The investigation was started again when five more children were infected with the same strain of Salmonella in Utah later that year.

    To find what was behind the outbreak,フェンディ マフラー, the researchers interviewed people who were infected with that strain of Salmonella from January 2008 through December 2011. They asked each person what animals and food they were exposed to in the week before they got sick.

    They then compared the data from 18 people with that strain of the bacteria to 29 people who were infected with a different type of Salmonella.

    Overall, they found 67 percent of the people in the new outbreak were exposed to frogs during the week before their illness, compared to 3 percent in the comparison group.

    The majority of people who came in contact with a frog during the week before they got sick remembered the type - an African dwarf frog.

    "Everything really linked these frogs with the illnesses," said Zarecki.

    The investigation eventually led to an African dwarf frog breeding facility in Madera County, California. There, researchers found the same strain of the bacteria in the facility's tank water, tank cleaning equipment, water filters and floor drains.

    The facility started distributing frogs again in June 2011, after the owner voluntarily shut down the operation and instituted cleaning measures.

    The researchers write, however, that African dwarf frogs can live for five to 18 years, which means infected frogs may still be in homes and continue to cause illness.

    "The important consideration with any aquatic pet is to provide adequate filtration to keep the water clean and perform regular partial water changes," said Dr. Nicholas Saint-Erne, a veterinarian for PetSmart, Inc., in a statement to Reuters Health.

    Saint-Erne, who was not involved with the new report, added that people with questions should ask veterinarians who specialize in aquatic animals or reptiles to help "ensure their pets are healthy and being given the proper care and nutrition."

    "If these aquariums are in homes,8065, children under five (years old) shouldn't be allowed to clean the aquarium," said Zarecki, adding that also applies to people with weakened immune systems.

    "Pets are wonderful. We think they're a great learning tool for children, but some pets just aren't appropriate for children or individuals,Acekard2i br>,iphone5 ケース ディズニー," she added.

    SOURCE: http://bit.ly/HjQ8dI Pediatrics, online March 11, 2013.


    printed things ready.Application for post quota small 1000 yen for

    In should, Adachi Postcard full service, rainbow colors & slow steps;
    Adachi "rainbow colored pepper" and "slow" Postcard Set should, (primary school hall) production.In the sale February, launched in February 12th March No. 2 continuous enlistee personnel services.

    [more] large images

    2 postcards works broken 30 sets of separate and combined.Pattern is the work of the lines on page, fully reproduce the postcards on things, and color illustrations, printed things ready.Application for post quota small 1000 yen for, should, affiliated to enlist in the paper is necessary.As of March 12th, for acceptance.[] [January 11th] Association reported today issued booklet lists otona Fami, bookstore clerk elected first is "the assassination of the classroom".Matsui is the debut of the [December 12th] today issued booklet lists "first step" for the 1000 time Takehiko Inoue and Rumiko Takahashi are blessed [November 12th] today issued booklet list
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    HORN THE BACK, an independent producer 1st album in concert
    THE BACK HORN January 18th, Tokyo · Zepp DiverCity TOKYO SPEEDSTAR RECORDS 20th Anniversary Live "to LIVE the SPEEDSTAR 20th ~".At this stage the independent producer 1st album "where to go to" full included music playing.

    [more] large images

    the 1999 issue of the "where to go to" HORN THE BACK SPEEDSTAR RECORDS belongs to the opportunity to work.Independent producers circulation, while recording and photography SPEEDSTAR RECORDS staff participation.So the band label anniversary, so play this monument of a total of 1 music decision.And the official YouTube channel "where to go". "It included pink soda" live recording image discloses.

    "SPEEDSTAR RECORDS 20th Anniversary Live in addition to LIVE the SPEEDSTAR 20th THE BACK HORN ~" in January 18th to begin 3 days held.In January 19, 20 days of ticket sales, 19 points about cancellations occur, additional tickets on sale.With the official site inspection.

    SPEEDSTAR RECORDS 20th Anniversary Live to LIVE the SPEEDSTAR 20th

    January 18, 2013 (gold) the Tokyo Zepp DiverCity TOKYO < > AA = / performer; ORANGE Orange Park / SHEENA & THE ROKKETS / THE BACK HORN

    January 19, 2013 (Saturday) Tokyo Zepp DiverCity TOKYO < the performer, Saito Urakazuyoshi / gateway and the Aya / Na / Cheer Chen Noyes. Control Michiru / Hamazaki Ayukishi / Kuronuma Eno

    January 20, 2013 (date) the Tokyo Zepp DiverCity TOKYO < > performance; see / special ♥ OTHERS / Haruomi Hosono / THE love [Association] [Power Push] reported MONTHLY Natalie in 2012 December, furnace tapir Leehom, Ming SPEEDSTAR RECORDS charm "" THE BACK HORN liv storm to a brilliant martial arts ART Museum of practice activities, tricot tapir Leehom, BIGMAMA, bee - THE BACK HORN strictly selected included live recording CD source & Budokan DVD sale
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    The question &quot

    NO MORE movie thief!Yoshii Kazuya "YOSHII CINEMAS".
    Yoshii Kazuya movie "YOSHII CINEMAS" was made public memorial, yesterday, January 11th, Tokyo · TOHOshinemazu Roppongi Hills were stage greeting.

    [more] large images

    "YOSHII CINEMAS", SOLO 2013 debut 10 anniversary of the Yoshii solo activity of the track after 3 part image works.YOSHII LOVINSON era to the present LOST documentary "who killed him?"Uchida, director, director of the short story "little things Queen clear Hearts (trailer series)", by the end of last year at the national tour "YOSHII KAZUYA. HEARTS tour 2012" patterns also show is.

    the stage greeting Yoshii himself.The trailer of the shape of short works "little things" Queen Hearts clear question asking, "(Book) you mind just making please please.This is going to make money (laughs) dialect. "At the same time, the works of film shooting, shooting to say 3 days to do the episode.In the possibility of future's work?"The question "does not, it (laugh).Slip the tongue good yo!A chewing......"And negative attitude, debut Studio Ghibli works in the strange creature seiyuu words, try to say, gather the audience laugh.

    "LOST who killed him?"Actor Shinagawa Tetsu and Ono Takuro "Yoshii Kazuya" part, from the way of the two also participated in the stage greeting.Shinagawa Yoshii "very dynamic.As with the lonely people.".Ono "Mr. Yoshii adult charm of the people?.I'm making exactly the opposite "kind of cute" said character, very hard inside. ".

    after YOSHII began in February 2013 national tour of "tour GOOD BY YOSHII KAZUYA" on the "notice too now didn't do music also do".The January 23rd issue of the album "18" the thing, "is really too happy.Relieved."A reassuring look.And then finally is "NO MORE, movie thief!"Strong stage after sending a message.Articles related to [Yoshii Kazuya], "" blood tide "PV Takehiko Inoue wrote the inscription of 150000 5000 people participating in the!Tenth years of CDJ "" in the event the Fuji music lecture program, full version 7 and a half hours of playing Nico live "dissolution of live special" have the Spring Festival, the, incident, the major THE YELLOW MONKEY, "Institute," the entire collection
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    actor Mr. Hasegawa Hiroshiki 12 days, Kadokawa the movie Shinjuku (Tokyo Tokyo Shinjuku) held a "teacher" starring movie Suzuki (River Yong supervision) premiere black box, for the glasses on the Suzuki group school teacher's iconic garment debut.Mr. Kyohko Hasegawa is on the stage, what also have no place Hao studies election in incidents.Climb up Mr. Kyohko Hasegawa hide lineup reports, from the stage sitting around the fury of the audience subduction front, back stage ", really sorry.The film is, not to!"And the best-selling swear.

    [Photo]. Mr. Kyohko Hasegawa told the audience of subduction common performers on stage greetings.

    "Suzuki teacher", 07 years Japan Media Arts Festival Award for outstanding comic Department Mr. Taketomi Kenji comic book of the same name.The 11 year spring TV broadcast, the Chinese middle school teachers · Suzuki teacher (Mr. Kyohko Hasegawa), alone in the education theory, the ideal class a story of struggle, the average ratings of 2% low ratings at the same time, it was named the forty-ninth session of the Galaxy outstanding award, become the topic of glory.The movie version, according to school graduates hostage incident cases.

    stage greetings, stick to the role yuan School Mr. Kazama Shunsuke and Suzuki teacher's wife · linen role of Mr. Usuda Ami, Suzuki teacher and opposing family teachers · eyes the character Yasuko Tomita will debut.Breeze Mr. Jian Debut Movie Version, in the drama of the big meal. "Last year, see the sentiment, the role of student who, like".In addition, the wind in the show is a "friend" Laon posture shows you'll learn Laon wear?"Known as the.This year 30 years old, but.......I'm afraid "teacher" happy learning Laangna suzuki."While the shy side said.

    finally, Mr Kyohko Hasegawa said: "today, I (iconic Suzuki teacher's glasses).In the "teacher" Suzuki, also ended Hasegawa Hiroshiki's don't hate it "and the original AKB48 Atsuko Maeda." well ", gathered at the venue of the lovers of laughter.(Daily News Digital) [] Hasegawa Hiroshiki: association reported "in the form of a" Declaration "and" drama "Suzuki teacher" DVD sale activities focus on the film: "TV movie of Kyohko Hasegawa Bo movie Suzuki teacher" side of the low ratings many awards in legend: new prize "Michiru school" base!Suzuki Kyoka's love, "give your imagination:" Suzuki Kyoka Hasegawa Hiroshiki: now is the best "popular period", "film" second virgins "stage greetings nanny Michiru Science: new possibilities?Masayoshi Ohira P "expectation on HIGH......"
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    last year to form a singing becomes the topic of THE STONE ROSES in.In the future

    With the METALLICA should is & MUSE is with the rose, the
    in August 10th, 11, held at the same time, city type rock music festival "SUMMER SONIC 2013" in Chiba and Osaka, 9 in Chiba, Makuhari at eve Festival "SONICMANIA" of the I-mode RA inertia was published.

    [more] large images
    Since the
    August 10th in Chiba and 11 in Osaka premiere I-mode RA pen, in 2006, 7 years after the festival once again starred in METALLICA.11 days in Chiba and 10 in Osaka premiere I-mode RA pen, today January 11th Japan tour began MUSE as.In addition MUSE is the should with the I-mode RA inertia as this is the first time.

    "SONICMANIA" last year to form a singing becomes the topic of THE STONE ROSES in.In the future, as is the long should with the with the luxurious lineup is appended.



    August 10, 2013 (soil) in Chiba County of Marin Makuhari QVC field &
    August 11, 2013 (day) Chiba County Makuhari
    < QVC Marin and performers >
    METALLICA / MUSE / and more

    in Osaka

    (soil) in August 10, 2013, Osaka ad hoc meeting summer dance, Panasonic
    (Japan) in August 11, 2013, Osaka ad hoc meeting summer dance, Panasonic
    < performers. "
    METALLICA / MUSE / and more


    August 9, 2013 (gold) Chiba County Makuhari
    < performers. "
    THE STONE ROSES / and more [Association] "SUMMER SONIC 2013" report published with the schedule should start is the Makuhari night DJ party, SUMMER SONIC eleventh play schedule published debut also black, hairy, 12 groups of RIJF & is the venue from WOWOW should with the live show broadcast is the tenth days should with the Miriya, TF, H ZETT M, you are
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    the main advertising revenue was killed.Before and after the financial crisis in the crisis

    The United States newspaper website charging stock firm "closed" and "meters"
    the United States Wall Street occurrence change.Media "failure" and was the newspaper stock rising.The United States of America's brand new york times hold, Ni have have, center of test, Ni have (NYT) 25 day closing price of 60 cents to $9, from the beginning of the year increased by 24%, one year high spot circle.The standard & Poor's 500 index more than 10 points out of bounds, form.The largest daily newspapers, USA TODAY operation of the 33% rose.The United States of America News agency advertising revenue loss, coupled with the network, the main advertising revenue was killed.Before and after the financial crisis in the crisis, cocoa NYT shareholder assets improvement dismissed the case also has, in recent years, institutional investors hold the stock disposed of.Nevertheless, recently bought.Material to be treated, Internet advertising brought in business model, conversion into which the news website reading charges new sources of income, requirements.The United States consulting company in Iraq test test says, in the United States about 1500 daily newspapers in 16%, the equivalent of 239 already network charge system introduced.The United States of America website charging system with the call charge member, and does not read the news "closed" a certain number of monthly reports to read "table charge charge" two.The foot is popular "meters", "closed", website visitors traffic does not reduce, reading report a lot of heavy users as the object and easy charging.< page 12 page >
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